Toggle Glazing System

Toggle Glazing System is structurally glazing system with single glass and mechanically fixed system with Double
glass where small subframe is required for single glass and subframe is not required for double glass. It is easy to install and is widely used in floor to floor Glazing. We have a wide range of Toggle Glazing Systems starting from 50mm to 55mm in width and 120mm to 240mm in depth which enables us to give more choice to clients/architects
with respect to aesthetical and value engineering perspective.

We have following Series of Toggle System:
1. TAS TG-50
2. TAS TG-55

One thought on “Toggle Glazing System

  1. Vasant Kamble Reply

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    This is Vasant Kamble from Genesis Facade> we need technical support from your team.
    Please provide Toggle glazing system catalogue for us as well as Mumbai region technical support team member contact details.


    Vasant Kamble


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